Ideally you should be working on your holiday savings throughout the year, but sometimes that doesn’t work. With these changes, you should be able to save $1,000 by the holidays.
Of course, how much you can actually save depends on your specific situation and which moves you make. Still, these examples show that you can save a grand in just two months with a few simple budget adjustments—whether you need the money for holiday spending or other financial goals.
Reshop Your Auto Insurance
The cost of car insurance can vary greatly for each driver, and you’re likely paying more than necessary. Make sure you’re getting the best deal possible by comparing plans from different insurers using tools from, InsWeb or Nerdwallet.
Eat At Home
Brown-bag your lunch and trade restaurant dinner dates for romantic nights this fall to cut those meal costs by two-thirds or more. This could save on average $233 per month.
Drive Less
Leave your car in the garage on workdays throughout the fall to cut daily costs on parking, gas, tolls and even the occasional ticket. Cycling, public transportation or car pooling are money-saving options.
Cut the Cord
You don’t need to pay for cable to enjoy watching television. Most of your favorite shows are likely available online or through streaming services for little to no cost.